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It is said that it is effective in the person who came into contact with feeling at ease

when a dolphin and a person come into contact with. There are also a theraputic touch

which utilized the dolphin. I think there are many more people whi know."How is the

dolphin itself resting its heart ?"I wonder if a dolphin feels to tired when a dolphin always

ease the people's feelings. I had such a question.The dolphin breeding trainer taught me

that a dolphin rested his heart by passing with other dolphins. On the other hand, he taught there were some lonely dolphins with no friends, too. The dolphin breeding trainer also taught me that such a dolphin has some stresses.I think that people also seem to be alike. It may be pleasant or may be encouraged just because it is with people, although stress may be felt because it is with people. Aren't there those who are looking for a friend? Or I think that there might be some persons who feel an empty feeling even if they have a friend. I always consider so.


People fight against the difficulty which encounters in the process in which MI is studied together. And, people can recognize the merit of MI together. MI could be more happily and deeply learned, if people have such a friend.People can accept a mutual position as those who study and practice MI, and can grows up mutually. We would like to provide the place which can meet such a friend.


The logo of MINF is also loaded with such a message.

There are two dolphins swimming in the sea so that it may flow. The circle upon I of MINF has been imagined as the moon which is shining.

The dolphins are chatting with swimming calmly. While adhering mutually or separating occasionally –

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